Friday, February 29, 2008

Thursday, February 28, 2008

at work

this is what i've been getting paid to do all night.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

et al.

i want to write a long blog about spring fashion but im way too
hungover. i will get to it though.
my sidekick got stolen from me while i was at work. it really sucked.
there is so much ugliness in this world, im turning into a very cynical
idealist. needless to say, i had to spend another 350 dollars on a new
i've been working a ton, which sucks. maybe it's a sign i need to quit
my job when i complain if there are no shows and then complain when
there are shows.
i've been strictly listening to the following artists lately:
lil wayne
jay z
gheto boys
a tribe called quest
cage &
cat power.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Friday, February 22, 2008

about being honest with yourself...

when you finally decide to say you are sorry, i'm going to be so far
away and so happy.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


i really liked it!

Monday, February 18, 2008


you were in my dream again last night. that doesn't happen often. i
wish i could choose who gets to break my heart. you make me so crazy,
and i still haven't figured out why this happened. what lesson am i
supposed to be learning? what did i do to deserve all this pain? i
want to hate you, i want to laugh when your face enters my thoughts (oh
stupid silly little boy). maybe my heart is just too big, and maybe i
messed everything up for good. i miss my friend.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

last night

they are blurry but so was everything. miss them!

happy valentine's day

i love you friends.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

sunday tops

the wire
attack in black
the plot against america by philip roth
acai blueberry smoothies
jean luc godard
cabernet sauvignon

Saturday, February 9, 2008

save me!

the opener is a solo act, who is also in the headlining band. all the
backline is on stage, i have a 30 min changeover and absolutely nothing
to do. except nurse this pill induced hangover.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

super tuesday

forgive me for this, but i'm about to rant at you for a political
i'm a barack obama supporter. i have been since i saw him speak in
oakland on st.patricks day last year. i think he can really inspire
younger people to head to the polls. my generation is apathetic to an
almost pathological extent and it thoroughly disappoints me. i'm a firm
believer in the old adage "if you don't vote, you cannot complain."
this being said, while i'm not ashamed in voting for obama, i still fear
the sheer ignorance of the american people will turn the november
election into a historically despicable day in history.
middle of the road, independent, and fence sitting voters in middle
america, i fear, are closeted racists and sexists. i have no faith in
the populace that they will make a decision based on principle and who
is right for the white house. instead; i think they will vote for who
they "inherently trust." people that think affirmative action is
wrong and that it helps take the jobs away from qualified white men are
not going to vote for a black man or a woman for president, regardless
of where their politics lay. as much as i wish this wasn't the case,
i'm very afraid it is.
mccain will take the republican nomination. romney is too offensive and
huckabee is just plain crazy. now, while "real republicans", as they
call themselves, don't like mccain, the aformentioned middle american
independent voters surely love him. a decorated war veteran with a
strong belief in defense spending, he is a prime candidate to take the
family values set. edwards would have been the perfect candidate to
help usurp the republican throne, he just didn't have the momentum that
clinton and obama have.
speaking of hillary clinton, while i firmly believe a woman president
would be what america needs to finally change for the better, clinton
isn't the answer. she's abrasive as a public figure, not to mention she
is the recipient of the most lobby money in this campaign. she has been
bought and sold by the corporate interest. her ideas on health care
reform are impressive, but as the first lady she tried to get single
payer health care passed and this great country i call home inevitably
boo'ed that idea into the back of the closet.
i really hope that obama has enough fluid to light this country on fire,
and that he can put my fears to rest and help restore my faith in this
stupid stupid nation. and please, go vote.

Monday, February 4, 2008


i really loathe the fact that i'm still in love with you.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Friday, February 1, 2008

found these today

i'm sorry

i've been bad at this lately. i'm uninspired and not exciting these
days. for people in sf, come see dead to me at the parkside tonight.